Below you will see pictures our first litter born in 2010. We hope to have updates for you soon of our special new litter due at the end of April 2012.
Puppies - Litter born 8 November 2010
A very special and warm welcome to Saffy's Puppies Sired by Bayside Brokk of Lanokk Sh CM. We are delighted to have four dogs and three bitches.
Please keep a close eye on this page for further updates and pictures of our new recruits!
ANNOUNCEMENT - A very warm welcome to Breha, Fassfields Queen Breha, who shall be staying with our Kennel.
We can't wait to see this little young lady grow up!
Meet Saffy and her Puppies only hours old!
Here is a little taster of things to come; Sugar aged 5hrs.
Puppies sleeping
There were 5 in a bed..............
Saffy and Pupps 8 days old
Wave with Mum 10 days old
Feeding Time 10 days old
Best of Friends Daisy & Polki 12 days
Daisy, Sky, Polki 12 days
Daisy 16 days old
Full Pack 16 days
Stitch - Sky - Polkadot
Playtime - Stitch, Daisy, Sugar - All Fed & Sleeping
All Feeding - Stitch - Sky
Sugar - Claret - Daisy
Wave - Feeding Time - Polkadot
Week 4 updates! A whole different chapter.............
Week 5 updates! Can't afford to blink now.............
Week 6 updates! Blimey these kids are wild!!!!!!!!
7 weeks and growing fast!
Almost ready for our new homes!
Happy New Year to all and not long now.............
A Very Special Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all, enjoy 2011 with your new wire!
Representing the Girls and their ribbons - Sugar in pink, Daisy in flower, Claret in deep red claret.
Representing the Boys and their ribbons - Wave in brown wave, Stitch in blue with white stitch, Polkadot (Polki) in brown with white dots, Sky with sky blue.
We hope you are enjoying the story so far at Fassfields
"Life without Wires - I don't think so......................"